Ballet West
Individual Donors
Individual Donors

We thank our Founder’s Circle donors, each of whom has given significantly to the company throughout its history, either through collective annual giving or extraordinary, one-time gifts.
B. W. Bastian Foundation
Peggy Bergmann
Val A. Browning Foundation
George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation
Marriner S. Eccles Foundation
Emma Eccles Jones Foundation
Frederick Q. Lawson Foundation
Janet Quinney Lawson Foundation
The Meldrum Foundation
John and Marcia Price Family Foundation
S.J. and Jessie E. Quinney Foundation
Shari and David Quinney
Rocky Mountain Power Foundation
Beano Solomon
James Lee Sorenson Family Foundation
Wells Fargo
We thank our loyal Heritage Club patrons for their generous annual support.
$25,000 AND ABOVE
Peggy Bergmann
Drew W. Browning
DiFiore Family
John and Andrea Miller
John and Marcia Price Family Foundation
Shari and David Quinney
Eileen Ragsdale
Theodore Schmidt
Teresa Silcox
Jonathan and Liz Slager
Beano Solomon
Brad and Linda Walton
$10,000 - 24,999
Vilija Avizonis and Gregory McComas
Clisto and Suzanne Beaty
H. Brent and Bonnie Jean Beesley
Michael Black and Kimberly Strand
Judy and Larry Brownstein
Leslie and Myles Culhane
Willard and Julie Dere
W. Hague & Sue J. Ellis Foundation
Erik and Uzo Erlingsson
Marc and Cammy Fuller
Alan and Jeanne Hall Foundation
George W. Henry, Jr. and James Rose
Jennifer Horne-Huntsman and Scott Huntsman
Tatiana Lingos-Webb Prince and Matthew Prince
Eli Madrigal-Paredes
Caryl Marsh
Rachèle McCarthey and Brock Van de Kamp
Jeanne Potucek
Jennifer Price-Wallin and Tony Wallin
Mark and Melanie Robbins
Jonathan and Amanda Schmieder
Ashley and Ryan Smith
The Sam & Diane Stewart Family Foundation
Naoma Tate and the Family of Hal Tate
Sarah Eccles Taylor and Gary Taylor
Roy and Lisa Vincent
Julia S. Watkins
Carole Wood and Darrell Hensleigh
$2,500 - 9,999
Cole Adams
Peter and Alexandra Agrapides
Samantha and Jordan Atkin
Kathleen and Andy Blank
Gordon Bowen
Brett Campbell
Carol T. Christ
Cecile and Harold Christiansen
Frank Corbett
Melissa H. Cutler
Linda S. Daines
Robert S. Devens
J. Chase Dreyfous Jr.
Spencer F. and Cleone P. Eccles Family Foundation
John and Joan Firmage
Barbara W. Frazier
Charlie and Shannon Freedman
Meghan Gallivan Stewart
Samantha Topping Gellert and John Gellert
Dr. Martin I. and Sheila G. Gelman
David and SandyLee Griswold
John and Ilauna Gurr
Stephanie and Tim Harpst
Drs Marc and Mary Carole Harrison
Kimberly Heglar
Cindy and Howard Hochhauser
Kathie and Charles Horman
Tina Howard
Robert and Dixie Huefner
Heidi Huntsman and Mark Robinson
David and Linda Irvine
Gordon Irving
Brent and Maren Jensen
Adam and Jessie Justis
Jeanne M. Kimball
Carole Klein and Brad Chesivoir
The Kohlburn/Lecointre Family
James R. Kruse and Mary Jo Smith
Shari and Bruce Lindsay
Katherine Daines Lindsay
James MacInnes
Thomas and Mary McCarthey
Anne Neeley and Ila Neeley
Bronwyn Newport-Bradley and Todd Bradley
Stephen and Melina Nicolatus
Elizabeth and Vincent Novack
David Parkinson and Leonardo Arantes Silveira
Madeleine and Harvey Plonsker
Jeanie Pollack
Rich and Nancy Potashner
Shauna Bamberger Priskos
Irwin and Harriet Ross
Chris and Ellen Rossi
Margaret P. Sargent
Sandefur Schmidt
Laura Scott and Rodney Mena
Adam Sklute and Christopher Renstrom
John Sklute
Sue and Jack Stahl
Kristin and Tom Stockham
Eddie Stone
Jonathon Tonioli
Brad Tuthill
Susan Warshaw
Beatryx and Vincent Washington
Jay and Alicia Wilson
Edward Zipser
$1,500 - 2,499
Fran Akita
Alta’s Rustler Lodge
Stephen Anderson
Bené Arnold
Carol Baer
Greg and Marsha Baird
Ballet West Guild
Marcy Barlow
Frances and Jerome Battle
Gary Beers
Vicki and Bill Bennion
Ginny Bostrom
Patricia Buckley
Carol Carter
Rebecca Marriott Champion
Drs. Joan L. and William J. Coles
Elinor and Martin Colman
Donna Conway
Wilma Corkery and John R. Corkery III M.D.
Pascale De Rozario and Jonathan Crossett
Matt and Nancy Dorny
Metta Driscoll
Natalie DuPaix
John Eckert
Sissy Eichwald
Joseph and Audri Ence
Hot Shot Sprinkler Repair & Landscape LLC
Tracy Frankel
Karen L. Freed
Dee Gauss
Bob and Mary Gilchrist
Julie and Devon Glenn
Andrew and Barbara Goldberg
Natalie and Ted Grandy
Kenneth and Kate Handley
Jon and Tami Hansen
David P. Heuvel and Johann Jacobs
Marilyn and Chester Johnson
G. Frank and Pamela Joklik
John S. Karls
Lawrence and Linda Kelley
Scott and Allison Kendell
Katherine Probert Labrum
Cynthia Lampropoulos and Dr. George Gourley
Helle Le Rette
Jennifer and Gideon Malherbe
David and Colleen Merrill
John and Bria Mertens
Jan Alsobrook Mitchell
Louis and Carolyn Mizell
Trevor Nielson
Kirsten Novak
Earthology Landscape
Richard and Lois Peterson
Katie Marie Pollard
Suzanne and David Razor
Joy Rocklin
Carol Ann Saikhon
Mark and Linda Scholl
Robert and Nancy Schumacker
Michael Scolamiero
Shiebler Family Foundation
Aharon Shulimson and Julie Terry
David Gray Porter
Lou Ann Stevens
Cyndie Taylor
Toni Tietjen and Michael K. Wolfe
Kevin Voyles
Amy Wadsworth and David Richardson
Mark Weisbender
Sarah and Rich West
Elizabeth Whaley
Jo-Ann Wong
The above list includes individual donations received as of March 22, 2023.
We thank our Members at the Producer and Director levels for their generous annual support of $500 and above.
Ausitn Allman
Sara Jane Anderson
Lester Aoki
Ronald and Kathy Aoki
Hanna Baskerville
Ernest and Jane Bebb
Dr. Ann Berghout Austin
Kenneth and Melinda Birrell
Richard C. and Jennie Holman Blake
Marie Bohata
Joan and Bryan Bowles
Susan Chilton
Janice and Richard Coleman
Rachel and Travis Colledge
Brandi and Clayton Cullimore
Philip Dachenhausen
A. John Dansie
Debbie Davis
Suzanne P. Day
Carrie and James Dean
Dr. Michael and Carol DeCaria
Lee Dever and Carolyn Nichols
Dr. Frances Dolloph and Aleisa Barber
Paul and Terrell Dougan
Richard and Pamela Dropek
Eric and Shellie Eide
In Memory of Lela and Reid Ellsworth
Joseph Foutz
Dr. Nancy Futrell, M.D.
David Keith Garside and Audrey Miner
Cathy Gelwix
Ann and Rick Gold
Mary Gootjes and John Davis
Scott and Loree Hagen
Elizabeth and Jack Hammond
Scott Hansen and Peggy Norton
Katherine Harney
Michael R. and Sheila I. Harper
Jason and Amy Hawkins
Drs. Ivonne and Stevan Hobfall
Julie Hopkins
Jackie A. Huff
Elise Hutchings
Janette and Brent Sonnenberg
Judy Jones
Helen Kennedy
Rich and Jill Kesten
Sheryl Scott and Richard Koehn
Eric Kreutzer
Anne Lawrence
Katherine and Harold Liddle
Kathy Lynch
David and Donna Lyon
Courtney Maclean
Jessica Mathewson, Deanna Kerr, Jayne Carney, and Sheryl A. Scott
Nancy Melich and Lex Hemphill
Keith and Donna Mercer
Elia Miller
Kevin Mook
Chris and Henry Morrison
Anne M. and William C. Nelsen
Maura and Serge Olszanskyj
Tomi Jean Ossana and Chris Proctor
Ronald and Camille Parker
Adam and Rebecca Paulson
Mrs. Elodie Payne
Tim Payne
Linda S. Pembroke
Greg Petersen
Leslie Peterson and Kevin Higgins
Lana and Boris Petkovic
Sandra Covey
Ken Potter
Melanie Preece
Corey Rammell
Dan Reeb
Delia and Craig Reece
Marcia JS Richards
Sonja Rife
Scot and Celeste Roberts
Gene Sartain
Brylan Schultz
Kenneth Shelley
Marilyn Smolka
Kenneth W. Spitzer and Diana Stafforini
Kevin and Alice Steiner
Don Stromquist and Regina Rosenthal
Annie and Cory Strupp
Summerhays Music
Joan Swain
Jefforey and Jane Thorpe
Dongngan Truong
Bruce and Leigh Washburn
Alan H. Weinhouse
Judith W. Wolfe
Richard and Marsha Workman
Neeley Wright
Ms. Trisha Young
Jolene Zito
Anonymous (10)
The above list includes individual donations received as of March 22, 2023.
Park City Ballet Corps
We thank our Park City Ballet Corps for their support in bringing world-class ballet to Summit County.
$25,000 AND ABOVE
Hank and Diane Louis
$15,000 - $24,999
Keith and Nancy Rattie
Lois Zambo
$5,000 - $9,999
Howard and Kathy Rothwell
Summit Sotheby’s International Realty
$1,500 -$ 2,499
Jennifer and Gideon Malherbe
Rich and Cherie Meeboer
The above list includes individual donations received as of March 22, 2023.