Ballet West
House Rules
House Rules

To ensure the enjoyment of the majority of our patrons who arrive on time, and in deference to the artists, latecomers will not be admitted to the auditorium until there is an appropriate pause in the performance. During some productions, this pause may not occur until the end of the first act.
All casting is subject to change.
For your own safety and the safety of other patrons, please do not exit the Theatre before the house lights are up.
Any use of cameras and recording equipment in the Theatre, which is not authorized by the management, is strictly prohibited.
No smoking, eating or drinking is permitted in the auditorium.
Lost articles may be claimed at security.
Anyone expecting emergency calls is urged to leave their seat locations and cell phones with the house manager.
Please silence all electronic time pieces and cell phones for the period of the performance.
Masks covering the mouth and nose must be worn at all times in Capitol Theatre and during the performance.
There will be no intermission during this performance. Please remain in your seats during the pauses between pieces.
At the conclusion of the performance, please remain in your seats. Ushers will excuse patrons row-by-row.
In the event of an emergency, please REMAIN SEATED and listen to information given by management and ushers.
Janet Quinney Lawson Capitol Theatre offers assistive listening devices free of charge and may be checked out at the coat check counter located in the lobby.